In our previous issue, managing director Lisa Kerford highlighted the skill...
At Aptus, we strive to give young people the chance to learn and flourish, ...
Since launching in 2022, the Aptus Academy has gone from strength to streng...
As a leading employer in the utility industry, it is essential that we offe...
The utility industry requires a workforce that can adapt and thrive in this...
The world of work is constantly evolving, and nowhere is this more apparent...
Eleanor has worked within the estimating department since joining Aptus as ...
Chloe joined Aptus on a business administration apprenticeship through Horw...
Brandon joined Aptus in 2021 on an Accounting Apprenticeship through Bolton...
Leo joined Aptus in 2023 on a Business Administration Apprenticeship throug...
Georgia joined Aptus in 2023 on a Business Administration Apprenticeship th...
This National Apprenticeship Week we are celebrating our amazing apprentice...